
Listing Management

API Datatype (Attribute/Variable) Description
listingId Flipkart internal identifier for a list corresponding to a skuId
skuId The seller SKU ID for a listingId
attributeValues Dynamic attributes such as selling price, stock count, etc.
listings The complete product information that a buyer views before placing an order
mrp The maximum retail price of the product
selling_price The price at which seller wants to sell the product. The value maybe different, but cannot be greater than the mrp
stock_count The quantity of the product on sale (cannot exceed 25)
local_shipping_charge The cost that the seller charges the buyer to ship an order locally. Always a multiple of 10
zonal_shipping_charge The cost the seller charges the buyer to ship an order in the same zone. Always a multiple of 10
national_shipping_charge The cost the seller charges the buyer to ship an order within the country. Always a multiple of 10
listing_status Allows sellers to control their listing status. Permitted values: ACTIVE and INACTIVE
procurement_sla Number of days required by the seller to keep the item ready for pick up
procurement_type Describes the type of inventory procurement done by the seller for the listing. Permitted values: REGULAR, EXPRESS, MADE_TO_ORDER, DOMESTIC, and INTERNATIONAL
actual_stock_count The stock available with the seller for sale on Flipkart
stock_count Pending orders
status Possible values: success or failure
response listingError. Only present if the status is failure
errors Invalid call. Displays the corresponding errorCode
errorCode Attribute specific identifier for API call failure
message Description of the cause of error
selling_region_restriction Allows sellers to configure their listing to enable sales locally (same city), within their zone (North, East, West, South or North East), or nationally (outside of their zone)

Order Management

API Datatype (Attribute/Variable) Description
orderID Flipkart internal identifier for an order
orderItemId The identifier for a single shipment to be processed for a seller (may include sub-items)
subItem The identifier for a freebie included with the main orderItemId (may be multiple)
orderDate The date on which an order is created or approved
dispatchByDate The date by which the seller must pack and mark an order as “Ready to Dispatch”. This calls the Dispatch Request API for a orderItemId
states The stage of proccessing for an orderItemId. Possible values: approved, packed, ready_to_dispatch, and cancelled
sku The seller SKU ID for a orderItemId
hasMore If “true”, the number of search results are more than the pageSize value. Used in the Search Orders API
url The relative URL for the current page listing the order search results
nextPageURL The relative URL for the next page listing the order search results
previousPageURL The relative URL for the previous page listing the order search results
FSN Flipkart Serial Number used to identify system objects such as Products
labelRequest Changes the state of the order item to “Packed” and generates a shipping label and invoice when a shipment is marked “Ready for Packing”
serialNumbers The IMEI numbers required for invoice generation for mobile and similar electronic products
dispatch Changes the status of the order item to “Ready to ship” and notifies the logistics team when a shipment is marked “Ready to Dispatch”