GET /v3/shipments?orderIds={}¶
Description - The Get by ShipmentIds API gets the shipment detail by orderId
. It returns the shipmentDetails with the specified orderItemId
and all its sub shipments
and packages
Request and Response Parameters¶
Request Header Parameters
Parameter | Requirement | Description |
orderIds |
Mandatory | Comma separated order ids |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter/Attribute | Type | Description |
shipmentId |
String | Primary identifier for a specific shipment. |
dispatchByDate |
ISO String | Date by which the order items needs to be dispatched by the seller |
dispatchAfterDate |
ISO String | Date after which the order items needs to be processed by the seller |
updatedAt |
ISO String | Timestamp of the last update for a particular order item |
hold |
Boolean | Flag True or False for Shipment Verification Process. |
locationId |
String | Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location |
packagingPolicy |
String | Indicates the packaging policy for Shipment. Possible values: GREEN_PACKAGE , TRANSPARENT_PACKAGE , DEFAULT , NA |
orderItems |
List | Comma separated list of Order Items |
orderItems . fsn |
String | Flipkart Serial Number that identifies the order item. |
orderItems . quantity |
Number | Number of units of the item ordered. |
orderItems . orderId |
String | System generated orderId for an order within a shipment. |
orderItems . orderItemId |
String | System generated id for an item within an order. |
orderItems . listingId |
String | Product Listing Id |
orderItems . sku |
String | Seller’s store keeping unit where the item is available |
orderItems . cancellationGroupId |
String | Refers to the group of order items which will be cancelled. |
orderItems . isReplacement |
Boolean | True or False indicating if the order item replaces another order item. |
orderItems . priceComponents . sellingPrice |
Float | Product price listed by the seller. This value can be less than or equal to the MRP. |
orderItems . priceComponents . totalPrice |
Float | The price paid by the customer for this order item (customerPrice``+ ``shippingCharge ) |
orderItems . priceComponents . shippingCharge |
Float | Fees charged for this order item of shipment. |
orderItems . priceComponents . customerPrice |
Float | The price at which buyer bought the order item from the Website (sellingPrice - promotionDiscount ) |
orderItems . priceComponents . emi |
Float | EMI component for a particular order item id |
orderItems . priceComponents . flipkartDiscount |
Float | Flipkart discount for the particular order item id |
orderItems . orderDate |
ISO String | Date on which the order is placed. |
orderItems . cancellationDate |
ISO String | Date when the order item is cancelled. |
orderItems . cancellationReason |
String | Reason for the cancellation |
orderItems . cancellationSubReason |
String | Sub reason chosen for cancellation. In case of seller cancellation below are the valid sub reason(cannot_procure_item,not_enough_inventory,b2b_order) |
orderItems . courierReturn |
boolean | True or False indicating if courier return created for the order item. |
orderItems . status |
orderItems . packageIds |
List<String> | List of packages to which the order item is associated |
forms |
List<Forms> | List of forms associated with the shipment |
forms . name |
String | Name of the for associated with the shipment. |
forms . link |
String | Link to the Government portal for where particular form can be generated. |
forms . automated |
boolean | True or False indicating Flipkart generated form for the mentioned form. |
forms . status |
String | Indicates status of form generation. Status can be one of the below (NOT-CREATED , IN-PROGRESS , COMPLETED and FAILED ) |
subShipments |
List | List of sub shipments associated with a shipment |
subShipments . subShipmentId |
String | Primary identifier for a specific sub shipment. |
subShipments . packages |
List | List of packages inside one sub shipment |
subShipments . packageId |
String | Primary identifier for a specific package |
subShipments . quantity |
Integer | Quantity of sub shipments |
subShipments . packageTitle |
String | Title of the package |
subShipments . packageSku |
String | SKU of the package |
orderIds: should be valid order ids for this seller.
Maximum 100 orderIds per request.
Possible Error Response Codes
Error Codes | Reason for Error |
Error in getting forms for the shipment |
When more than processable orderIds are received. |