GET /v3/shipments?shipmentIds={} or, GET /v3/shipments?orderItemIds={} or, GET /v3/shipments?orderIds={}¶
Description - The Get by ShipmentIds API gets the shipment detail by shipmentId
or orderId
or orderItemId
. Note that this operation can accept either shipmentIds, orderIds or orderItemIds, but only one type of query param is accepted per invocation. It returns the shipmentDetails with the specified orderItemId
and all its sub shipments
and packages
Request and Response Parameters¶
Request Header Parameters
Parameter | Requirement | Description |
shipmentIds |
Mandatory | Comma separated shipment ids |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter/Attribute | Type | Description |
shipmentId |
String | Primary identifier for a specific shipment. |
dispatchByDate |
ISO String | Date by which the order items needs to be dispatched by the seller |
dispatchAfterDate |
ISO String | Date after which the order items needs to be processed by the seller |
updatedAt |
ISO String | Timestamp of the last update for a particular order item |
hold |
Boolean | Flag True or False for Shipment Verification Process. |
locationId |
String | Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location |
packagingPolicy |
String | Indicates the packaging policy for Shipment. Possible values: GREEN_PACKAGE , TRANSPARENT_PACKAGE , DEFAULT , NA |
orderItems |
List | Comma separated list of Order Items |
orderItems . fsn |
String | Flipkart Serial Number that identifies the order item. |
orderItems . quantity |
Number | Number of units of the item ordered. |
orderItems . orderId |
String | System generated orderId for an order within a shipment. |
orderItems . orderItemId |
String | System generated id for an item within an order. |
orderItems . listingId |
String | Product Listing Id |
orderItems . sku |
String | Seller’s store keeping unit where the item is available |
orderItems . cancellationGroupId |
String | Refers to the group of order items which will be cancelled. |
orderItems . isReplacement |
Boolean | True or False indicating if the order item replaces another order item. |
orderItems . priceComponents . sellingPrice |
Float | Product price listed by the seller. This value can be less than or equal to the MRP. |
orderItems . priceComponents . totalPrice |
Float | The price paid by the customer for this order item (customerPrice``+ ``shippingCharge ) |
orderItems . priceComponents . shippingCharge |
Float | Fees charged for this order item of shipment. |
orderItems . priceComponents . customerPrice |
Float | The price at which buyer bought the order item from the Website (sellingPrice - promotionDiscount ) |
orderItems . priceComponents . emi |
Float | EMI component for a particular order item id |
orderItems . priceComponents . flipkartDiscount |
Float | Flipkart discount for the particular order item id |
orderItems . orderDate |
ISO String | Date on which the order is placed. |
orderItems . cancellationDate |
ISO String | Date when the order item is cancelled. |
orderItems . cancellationReason |
String | Reason for the cancellation |
orderItems . cancellationSubReason |
String | Sub reason chosen for cancellation. In case of seller cancellation below are the valid sub reason(cannot_procure_item,not_enough_inventory,b2b_order) |
orderItems . courierReturn |
boolean | True or False indicating if courier return created for the order item. |
orderItems . status |
orderItems . packageIds |
List<String> | List of packages to which the order item is associated |
forms |
List<Forms> | List of forms associated with the shipment |
forms . name |
String | Name of the for associated with the shipment. |
forms . link |
String | Link to the Government portal for where particular form can be generated. |
forms . automated |
boolean | True or False indicating Flipkart generated form for the mentioned form. |
forms . status |
String | Indicates status of form generation. Status can be one of the below (NOT-CREATED , IN-PROGRESS , COMPLETED and FAILED ) |
subShipments |
List | List of sub shipments associated with a shipment |
subShipments . subShipmentId |
String | Primary identifier for a specific sub shipment. |
subShipments . packages |
List | List of packages inside one sub shipment |
subShipments . packageId |
String | Primary identifier for a specific package |
subShipments . quantity |
Integer | Quantity of sub shipments |
subShipments . packageTitle |
String | Title of the package |
subShipments . packageSku |
String | SKU of the package |
shipmentIds: should be valid shipment ids for this seller
Maximum 100 shipments per request.
Possible Error Response Codes
Error Codes | Reason for Error |
Error in getting forms for the shipment |
When more than processable shipmentIds are received. |